Spotted Zebra
Earning our branding stripes in the world of recruitment.

Highlighting the value of skills-based hiring for global organisations.
We worked with the talented team at Spotted Zebra to support them in creating an unrivalled brand identity to capture the skills and tech recruitment market. In search of an identity and tone that would balance technical precision and insight, without a jargon fuelled brand experience was our goal. How could we create an identity that felt fresh and slick with a professional and trustworthy edge.

Exploring directions that pay homage to the iconic brand name.
With people at the heart of both the brand service offering - how do we level up the way we work with colour, typography, assets and the iconic 'zebra strikes’ brand mark. Our team dug deep into the heart of the brand story, teams origins and heritage of the business to explore various creative routes.

Exploring iconic sets, animations, graphics and assets to build the zebra world.
We extended this into the look and feel of both their website and commercial collateral. We permeated the media mix with a classy agile set, motion templates and found creative ways to apply our punchy two palette identity across the brand material.

“A huge thanks to Paradise for delivering a stunning branding experience.”
Ian Monk, Co-Founder, Spotted Zebra

Bringing the same level of movement and interaction to the digital experience.
We wanted to translate the same seamless experience across the digital landscape. Our brand team worked strategically to ensure that our balanced use of iconography, colour, assets and design themes translated meticulously across the web experience.

Ready to level up your brand or campaign?
Get in touch with our team for support on your next project or campaign. Book a consultation with our creative department here: